This video provides an overview of Elder Law planning. It provides an explanation of the three primary components: Physical, Mental, and Financial.

Planning for the physical needs means looking at what the individual needs in order to be cared for. Where will the care come from and what level of care is needed. Does the care involve home health aids or moving to a care facility? If it requires a facility, does that just mean an assisted living location or is full nursing home care needed? What level of care is needed? These are questions that must be answered.

Planning for the mental needs requires getting an actual evaluation and diagnosis. The determination of the level of mental degradation is important. Is there a need for a special Memory care unit? Is there a need for a lock down unit or just some basic management? Knowing the extent and type of mental degradation will in some cases drive the level of care.

Planning for the management of the finances is often overlooked until it is an emergency. It is important to know what the resources are and how long they will last. Knowing what resources are available and how to access them is often a confusing process and filled with misinformation. It is important to know the truth about the options and how to gain access to the resources available both private and governmental.